The Service d’Accompagnement aux Usages Pédagogiques et Numériques is an essential lever for pedagogical transformation at the Université Catholique de Lille, at the service of all teachers..
Il s’intègre également dans l’écosystème élargi de l’enseignement supérieur et en particulier de la pédagogie universitaire et des usages du numérique pour la pédagogie.
En proposant des formations adaptées, des accompagnements spécifiques et un espace d’expérimentation et de réflexivité, ce service contribue à l’amélioration continue des pratiques pédagogiques et à l’intégration efficace des technologies numériques dans les pratiques enseignantes.
Training teachers
- Training workshops on teaching methods and practices.
- Facilitating workshops on digital teaching methods and practices.
- Provision of educational and digital resources for teaching.
Supporting teachers in changing their teaching practices
- Welcome new teachers, present activities and define personalized follow-up support.
- Individual or team support for teachers in developing their teaching practices: "made-to-measure" workshops.
- Support individual teachers or teams of teachers in designing and implementing educational projects.
- Facilitating communities of practice to encourage the exchange and sharing of pedagogical and digital practices.
Experiment with emerging teaching practices
- Contribute to experimentation with emerging pedagogical practices, notably through involvement in nationwide projects.
- Monitoring, analysis of the impact on teaching and action plan for emerging practices related to pedagogy.
- Involvement in specialized internal and external networks and events.
- Promoting and disseminating reflective practices and research in university pedagogy / educational sciences
- Accompanying teachers in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) approach, co-publications.
Managing and coordinating technical and educational platforms
- Techno-pedagogical support for the use of teaching platforms and digital teaching tools (iCampus, Zoom, Wooclap).
- Functional management of these platforms.